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IR35 support from Kingsbridge

As you may know, back in September Kingsbridge teamed up with IPSE to deliver a webinar on the forthcoming rollout…

Contractor Guides

What is Professional Indemnity cover?

Professional Indemnity cover is usually required by recruiters and clients before taking on a contractor. It’s also included as standard…

Contracting Life

How to set and achieve goals as a contractor

Christmas is just around the corner. In short, it’s the time of year when we naturally begin to think about…

Contractor Guides

How should I set my daily rate as a contractor?

As we hurtle towards another new year, people everywhere start thinking about pay rises, and contractors are no exception. You…


Kingsbridge preparing recruiters for the IR35 reforms

On Friday 29th November , Kingsbridge played host to an industry insight event in London designed to prepare recruiters for…

Contracting Life

Do I get sick pay as a contractor or freelancer?

Working for yourself has so many benefits with the big one being the flexibility to work how you want. But…

Contractor Guides

What to do with an unpaid invoice

It’s an unpleasant fact about contracting and freelancing: occasionally you may come across clients who either pay late or don’t…


IR35 in the Private Sector: What you need to know

Back in September, Kingsbridge Contractor Insurance’s Legal Manager, Nicola Hayman, teamed up with Andy Chamberlain, Deputy Director of Policy at…

Contracting Life

Do you know how to spin yourself?

No, we’re not talking about some crazy exercise fad or bizarre pastime. Instead, we’re talking about ways you can disguise…

Contracting Life

Personality turn-offs that could cost you a contract

While it’s popular to say “you do you”, this may not be the case if you’re in an interview situation.…

Contractor Guides

Why the freelance creative sector is thriving

It’s official. The UK’s creative sector is thriving after £1.1 billion in support from the Government in the form of…


More and more young people are looking to self-employment

Contracting is often thought of the arena of people further on in their careers, when they’ve built networks and gained…

Contractor Guides

Employing your partner: What you need to know

It’s fairly commonplace these days for contractors to employ their spouse or partner to assist them – often in an…

Contractor Guides

What does trust mean as a contractor?

We recently saw a report on a survey compiled by CV-Library which revealed the most and least trusted professions in…

Contractor Guides

You can count on Kingsbridge

When you’re purchasing contractor insurance, you really are taking a leap of faith. You’re depending on that company to treat…


IR35: What would you do?

There have been reports in recent weeks that some well-known financial service companies, including Morgan Stanley and HSBC, will cease…

Contractor Guides

A quick guide to self-employed expenses

Expenses can be the bane of a contractor or freelancer’s life. On the one hand, it’s great that you can…

Contractor Guides

What makes a great contractor CV?

When you were an employee, your CV was probably just this thing saved somewhere on your computer that got dusted…

Contractor Guides

Do IR35 changes apply to me?

IR35 reforms are set to hit the private sector in April 2020 and a lot of contractors are still none-the-wiser…

Contracting Life

Why you might want to return to self-employment

You were self-employed for a while but then got lured back to the bright lights of regular employment. Perhaps it…


Are you being treated lawfully as a contractor? A tale of Network Rail, Employer`s NI, IR35

Another month, another IR35 story but this one isn’t about the rollout to the private sector, but rather public sector…


Kingsbridge hits 50,000 customers

Life is full of milestones. First steps. First words. First day of school. All of them triumphs and successes. But what…


I`m a Celebrity and I`ve been caught by IR35: What lessons can we learn?

Lorraine Kelly, Christa Ackroyd, Eamonn Holmes, Robert Glenister, Kaye Adams. No, it’s not the latest Strictly line-up. The above TV…


Substitution Clauses: What, Why and How

One subject that has come up repeatedly in our recent blogs, especially those focusing on IR35 regulations, is the idea…

Contracting Life

Four-day week: could it work for contractors?

May is one of our favourite months here at Kingsbridge. It’s not just the blossom falling from the trees, that…

Contracting Life

The biggest unexpected costs of self-employment

Self-employment as a contractor can seem like an easy way to keep your costs down: low overheads, no wage bill,…

Contracting Life

Nice try: dubious expenses claims

We can’t imagine a job at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs is always a barrel of laughs, but we’re sure…

Contractor Guides

Five signs that you`re ready for self-employment

Everything is starting to feel a bit fresher and warmer. But sometimes the signs of spring can make going into…


Private Sector IR35 reform: what will it mean for contractors?

Off-Payroll working ? What is it? Most contractors probably already have a basic understanding of IR35 legislation: HMRC’s framework to…


Being Lorraine Kelly: IR35 status explained

HMRC’s most recent defeat by the queen of daytime TV, Lorraine Kelly, has thrust IR35 regulations in the spotlight once…